Discover Beautiful Abstract Art
We recently discovered Calgary Alberta abstract artist Lynda Black and we’re excited to share more of her black and white paintings with you. Check out the interview below to get to know Lynda and her abstract art more.
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How would you describe your artistic style?
( BLACk & WHitE ) and charmingly * ChiLdLiKe * – with the PERFECT balance of SOPHiSTiCATED , PLAYfUL & absolutely AdORABLe . ♡
What’s the main inspiration for your art?
i’M an ARtiSt – with { BiPOLaR diSORdeR } .
… & i PaiNt (in bLACk & WHitE) mY * CRaZY & bEAUtifUL WORLd . *
What is the biggest goal you try to achieve with your art?
i have a * faSCiNatiON with iMAGiNAtiON * … ,
i LOVE taking the ordinary & creating something *eXtRAORdiNARY * ! ♡
What’s your favourite thing about being an abstract artist?
♡ it’S a { bEAUtifUL } JoURNeY with * ENdLeSS POSSibiLitiES * …
Why abstract art and not other mediums? Have you always created abstract art or did you start out creating other styles?
i LOVE being an * AbStRaCt * ARtiST ! i LOVE how AbStRaCt ARt can convey an idea, an emotion (or a subject) in its most AUTHENTIC form – capturing its ESSENCE . An * AbStRaCt PaiNtiNG * can express something SO beAUtifULLY that it can fOReVeR CHaNGE YoU & the way YoU SEE tHe WORLd . ♡
If you could describe your art in three words, what would they be?
bLACk AND WHitE ♡ fUN ♡ fUNkY ♡ MOdERN ♡ AbStRACt ♡ URbAN ♡ CRAZY ♡ cUte ♡ WEiRd ♡ WoNdERfUL
What’s one thing people might not know about you and/or your art journey so far?
i LOVE creating ARt (especially AbStRaCt ARt) because it allows for ABSOLUTE * FREeDOM * of EXPRESSION. ANYtHiNG iS POSSibLe ! ♡
Did you always know you’d be an artist or how has your art journey progressed?
i have * ALWAYS * been an ARtiSt.
In your opinion, what’s the most important personal characteristic needed to embark on a career as an artist?
{ TRUTH } .
An ARtiSt * cannot * PaiNt without it. ♡
What advice would you give up and coming abstract artists?
* ENJOY * your OWN JoURNeY as an ARtiSt. { Each path is UNiQUE – no journey is the same as another }. ♡
What’s your most fulfilling and enjoyable experience as an artist so far?
The * JoURNeY * as an ARtiSt is a bEAUtifUL one. { ART iS the PUREST EXPRESSION of the HUMAN SOUL } . ♡ The more you CREATE & expand what ART means to YoU – the more * MIRACULOUS * YoU & your ART will become.
Where do you see yourself and your art in 5 years?
i will continue my ARtiStiC JoURNeY ( creating BLACk & WHitE PAiNTiNGS ) for as long as i possibly can. There really is NO END… As an ARtiSt , YoUR ART iS * NEVER * done .
What do you love most about abstract art?
Do you have any favourite quotes?
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Calgary Alberta based abstract artist Lynda Black as much as we did.
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