Discover Beautiful Abstract Art
Heather Beam is an emerging abstract artist based in Richmond, Virginia. She creates mixed-media intuitive abstracts and is inspired by color. Check out the interview below to get to know Heather and she more of her abstract art.
All images are from the website of the artists we feature and belong to them. Pictures cannot be used without their permission.
What is the biggest goal you try to achieve with your art?
To bring love and light to the world.
What’s your favorite thing about being an artist?
I’m not bound by anything but the limits of my own creativity — which is essentially limitless!
Why abstract art and not other mediums? Have you always created abstract art or did you start out creating other styles?
I found myself always feeling stifled by realism. When I finally gave myself permission to paint abstracts, I felt like I was finally giving myself permission to be an artist.
If you could describe your art in three words, what would they be?
Colorful, happy and free.
What’s one thing people might not know about you and/or your art journey so far?
I’m just getting started! I just became an artist in 2022 and plan to continue to charge forward into this glorious world of art!
Did you always know you’d be an artist or how has your art journey progressed?
I always wanted to be an artist, but never felt brave enough or good enough. I have painted since I was a child, but I was always a dabbler — a hobbyist. At the end of 2021, I knew I was to make painting a regular discipline in my life. I was to paint often and with intention. I finally felt brave enough. Being a faithful person, I knew God was giving me the courage to pursue my dream of being an artist and 2022 was the year! It took me being in multiple art shows and having many large pieces of my work displayed in wonderful restaurants, before I felt qualified to call myself an ‘artist.’ Overcoming imposter syndrome is a daily battle, but it is so very worth the fight! I want to help others who are afraid to step out of the shadows to help them know that they can absolutely go after their dreams.
In your opinion, what’s the most important personal characteristic needed to be an artist?
An unwavering creative spirit driven by the deep knowledge that the world needs what only you can bring.
What advice would you give up and coming abstract artists?
Take your time in the ‘gap.’ The gap is the time spent developing your art, voice and signature style before the world knows of you and your work. This is precious time to learn who you are as an artist. It’s a time of quiet, personal growth that will serve you well for years to come. I love to encourage emerging artists with some of the encouragement I received when I was getting started: ‘There’s room for you’, ‘You’re not late’, ‘The world needs what only you can bring.’
Do you have any favourite podcasts or books that you love and that have contributed to your journey as an artist?
Absolutely! I have found the art community to be warm and supportive. I have gained so much from their selfless encouragement. Five artists come to mind…I list them in order of impact:
1) Bonnie Christine (fantastic new podcast)
2) Matt Tommey (podcast for years)
3) Jodie King (brand new podcast)
4) Kirsten Jackson (no podcast)
5) Louise Fletcher (I find her emails great!).
As far as books are concerned, I recommend ‘The Artist’s Way’ and ‘Unlocking the Heart of the Artist.’
What’s your most fulfilling and enjoyable experience as an artist so far?
It is such a pleasure when people tell me that looking at my art makes them feel happy. Selling pieces of my work and having business owners want my work displayed in their establishment is a dream come true. I also feel honored and humbled when someone commissions me to paint them an original piece for their home or business. Knowing that my work is loved and will bring love and light into other’s lives brings me so much joy! It’s a dream come true, honestly.
Where do you see yourself and your art in 5 years?
Making beautiful work while continuing to explore and unpack this treasure trove of creativity that’s been bottled up inside me my whole life. It’s never too late!
What do you love most about abstract art?
Do you have any favorite quotes?
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Virginia based abstract artist, Heather Beam, and getting to see more of her artwork.
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